Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"Chicken Alfredo Roll-Ups" Review.

You would all be lying if you told me you weren't addicted to pintrest! I started off being addicted to the DIY/ Crafts. focus has shifted...FOOD!
Ive tried more of the food recipes on Pintrest, than i have the DIY's. And some Ive added to our family favorites and some pins i deleted automatically and have to wonder who the heck wrote that "THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING MEAL IVE EVER HAD IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE" caption. So instead of leaving a caption on how i REALLY feel..Ive decided to start trying and reviewing them here!
Im sure you've probably seen this pin floating around. I knew the moment i saw it, it was MINE and i would be making it for dinner THAT night!...and i did...and i loved it...and i want more.
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So this is my photo of the roll up..i took it with my cell phone so its not as fancy-smancy as the original, but whatever! I loved these, and so did my picky kids and my "will eat anything" husband!
i followed the directions as stated, but instead;  we used a rotisserie chicken and i also made my own Alfredo sauce. They were so easy to put together, but it is a little time consuming. so id plan to make these maybe an hour or so before you actually plan to eat.
After trying these i came up with a billion other things to put inside these little roll ups! mushrooms, spinach, good would these taste with left over turkey and gravy instead of chicken and Alfredo sauce!! so give them a try..put your own spin on them!

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